IMG_3632.JPGIMG_3633.JPGIMG_3634.JPGIMG_3635.JPGMy 1938 Vibroplex Jr bugHouse electrical entrance at previous QTH in Gatineau40M/20M dipole on 1:1 balun at previous QTHImg_3667.jpgImg_3670.jpgImg_3671.jpgTarheel model 200 antenna on VE2FET mobile custom color matchImg_3673.jpgIMG_3948.JPGIMG_3954.JPGIMG_3956.JPGIMG_3957.JPG300 feet longwire testing with some 300ft counter poised on ground.MFJ-989D Longwire High Power antenna tuner
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300 feet longwire testing with some 300ft counter poised on ground.